A value that creates shared values
A value that creates shared values

Sofidel places strategic importance on sustainability for growth and development, setting as objectives the reduction of its environmental impact on natural capital and the maximisation of social benefits for all its stakeholders. A philosophy reflected in the guiding principle “Less is More” which inspires all of the Group’s activities in the creation of shared value.

More information on Net Zero goal

Learn about our commitment to sustainability

Building an inclusive and sustainable future.
A common goal

Sofidel’s sustainable growth strategy is completely in line with “building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the Planet”, according to the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set to be achieved in 2030.

Due to the nature of its industry, Sofidel is particularly committed to contributing to the achievement of 8 Sustainable Development Goals.

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for sustainability

Sofidel believes in dialogue and in the creation of virtuous forms of multi-stakeholder collaboration. The Group is particularly committed to developing partnerships at multiple levels and on various fields of action with local and international partners of recognised value and credibility.

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Consumer protection

Sofidel guarantees on all products the highest levels of comfort, hygiene, practicality and value for money in compliance with the most wide-spread international standards for self-monitoring in health and hygiene.

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10 rules about sustainability

Why sustainability makes sense.

Cost reduction

Relying on renewable sources, increasing plant efficiency, cutting energy consumption and the use of environmental resources and reducing polluting emissions – these are all factors that translate into savings and improved economic efficiency.

Motivated personnel and qualified workers

When on equal pay, working for a company that is attentive to social and environmental issues is more satisfying. A better and safer working environment also increases trust and team spirit and creates the right conditions for workers to perform at their best.

Access to tax breaks

Governments and public institutions come down hard through the tax system on companies with poor environmental records whilst sometimes offering tax breaks to those companies that invest in measures that curb their environmental impact and guarantee sustainable development.

Higher market standards

Investing in sustainability helps improve market standards and makes it more difficult for companies to resort to unfair competitive methods. It acts as a safeguard against social and environmental dumping, i.e., companies flooding the market with products at rock-bottom prices, while providing fewer guarantees to their workers or not complying with existing environmental regulations.

Consumer satisfaction

People are more concerned about environmental resources and the consistency in the behaviour of businesses. A commitment to sustainability helps provide answers to these new concerns and needs.

Responding to clients’ needs

A company that is committed to sustainability can also respond more readily to the environmental and social qualification criteria that the public administration and clients build into their purchasing procedures. Simply put, you are more likely to win supply contracts and, therefore, be in a better position to develop solid, long-lasting work relationships.

Anticipating more stringent regulation

Sustainability is a very powerful cultural lever of technical and organisational innovation that enables you to pre-empt legal requirements. This helps reduce operating risks, improve the dialogue with public decision-makers and gives you a competitive advantage.

Increased credibility and trust

A business that operates in a sustainable way is a business that is working towards becoming fully transparent. Responsibility and transparency are complementary dimensions of sustainability that help build credibility and relationships based on trust.

Accessibility to capital

Sustainability indicators and parameters help facilitate access to financial markets. A sustainable business is a business that can boast competitive advantage when negotiating with banks and financial institutions.

Enhanced reputation

Stakeholders increasingly judge companies by the values that they believe in. This is why being committed to sustainability can also enhance your reputation and improve the way stakeholders perceive the company. A good reputation is a fundamental resource that can significantly help create added value for both the brand and the company.

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Principles and values translated into practice. Through dialogue and collaboration, Sofidel works on developing trustworthy and transparent relationships with all its stakeholders.

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Our commitment in figures

Values, goals, choices, results, … through the Sofidel Group’s Integrated Report each stakeholder can personally evaluate the economic, social and environmental value of the work of over 6,400 people. Because transparency is also a question of sustainability.

Agenda 2030 ONU
Read Sofidel’s Integrated Report
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