Advancing techno-acceleration

It happens. There are times in history when the world seems to run faster. We are going through one of these phases from a technological point of view. In fact, the great digital revolution is having an effect on the…

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Growing professions

Digital and technological acceleration is creating new professions and transforming current ones into more innovative ones.  If we talk about technical fields, there is an increase in demand, for example, for energy engineers expert in energy management; for green mechatronics…

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The interview

Soft & Green meets Alex Giordano, Professor of Marketing and Digital Transformation at the University of Naples Federico II. Soft & Green asked Alex Giordano, professor of Marketing and Digital Transformation at the University of Naples Federico II, to reflect…

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Cities that change

The Industrial Revolution, the Paris Commune, the growing demand for housing for the urbanised working-class population, the bombardments and destruction caused by the Second World War, the impact of the spread of new technologies... great historical events have always brought…

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New technologies and daily life

What do we mean when we talk about the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and big data? We are talking about how technology and innovation are changing the way we live, produce and interact. Concepts that until recently were used…

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