Net Zero: a great challenge for everyone

Net zero, i.e. zero emissions by 2050: this is the goal of the first global energy roadmap. According to the new Net Zero by 2050: a Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA)…

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Interview with professor Edoardo Croci from Bocconi university

Soft&Green asked Professor Edoardo Croci, professor and coordinator of the Green Economy Observatory at the Bocconi University’s GREEN Center, to reflect on the energy transition. The ecological transition is fundamental for our country and will also require a major commitment…

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Cities that change

The Industrial Revolution, the Paris Commune, the growing demand for housing for the urbanised working-class population, the bombardments and destruction caused by the Second World War, the impact of the spread of new technologies... great historical events have always brought…

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New life for small villages?

In many countries, the COVID-19 emergency has led to a greater propensity on the part of companies and workers to remote smart working. This phenomenon, together with the search for a slower pace of life and more affordable living costs, has…

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Civic brands and community well-being

A ‘Civic Brand’ is the civic function exercised by a brand, while ‘Brand Activism’ is defined as the attitude of some brands when it comes to taking a position on current political, ethical or social issues. In the first half…

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Do it well, do it quickly

You can defeat an enemy, but not the Planet. Technology is helping us to live in and through this crisis, but we need to look ahead, building global cohesion and creating ‘transformative resilience units.’: These are the words of Mario Draghi in…

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Certifications: the main thing is communication

Obtaining a certification is a commitment that must be valued. Including certifications in the communication strategy helps to increase market competitiveness and raise people’s awareness. In fact, it is important to make everyone, the consumer first and foremost, understand that…

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What the certificates don’t say. Yet.

Sustainability helps to create shared value. For this to happen, however, it must be translated into concrete practices, which in turn must be properly understood and known about in order to deliver the expected benefits. That doesn’t always happen. On…

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