What the certificates don’t say. Yet.

Sustainability helps to create shared value. For this to happen, however, it must be translated into concrete practices, which in turn must be properly understood and known about in order to deliver the expected benefits. That doesn’t always happen. On…

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Sustainable development: 3 questions for Enrico Giovannini

October 2019 – Soft&Green asked Enrico Giovannini, spokesman for the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, ASviS, to answer three questions about the future of sustainability. How is Italy positioned in relation to other countries for the 2030 Agenda? Globally, despite…

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Sustainability: knowing the past to imagine the future

Sustainability has become a major focus of the world's media. Through the contribution provided by the determination and grit of young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, public opinion in many countries has turned its attention to this topic. Introduced ‘officially’ for the…

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A world without plastic

Plastic, now globally recognized as a problem, has for years been considered an important resource for economic development and easier daily life. From our homes to our cars, from supermarkets to entertainment venues: imagining them all without plastic can sometimes…

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Urban agriculture, a new resource

When we talk about natural capital, it is interesting to reflect on the potential of urban agriculture, a phenomenon which is spreading in metropolitan areas around the world and whose benefits have not been fully investigated. Recently the magazine Earth's…

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