Urban agriculture, a new resource

When we talk about natural capital, it is interesting to reflect on the potential of urban agriculture, a phenomenon which is spreading in metropolitan areas around the world and whose benefits have not been fully investigated. Recently the magazine Earth's…

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Attention to diet among health and sustainability

For 74% of Italians, sustainability is a matter of lifestyle. This is one of the results of the survey Who’s afraid of bad food? Italians and sustainability, promoted by Bologna Award - Caab, Centro Agroalimentare (Food and Agriculture Centre) along…

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Proposing and deciding together

A city lying on the border between Emilia Romagna and Lombardy (Piacenza), a multi-utility that manages local public services (Gruppo IREN), 15 representatives from non-profit and trade associations and local authorities: everyone together in a Territorial Committee to jointly plan…

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