City Prosperity Initiative: an innovative methodology

The search for innovative models of urban coexistence and development also implies the need to be able to rely on more sophisticated and precise analytical tools. The City Prosperity Initiative (CPI) developed by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat),…

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New life for small villages?

In many countries, the COVID-19 emergency has led to a greater propensity on the part of companies and workers to remote smart working. This phenomenon, together with the search for a slower pace of life and more affordable living costs, has…

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From the “Social Street” to Communal Landings 2.0

In contexts where impoverished social relations combine with the economic difficulties of welfare, solutions to problems often come from the bottom up. This is what has happened, for example, with the “Social Street” experiment, in which people, based on principles…

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When resilience is transformative

The COVID-19 pandemic is an event guaranteed to produce long-term social and economic impacts. Someone has even coined the term 'covidic' to identify a sort of new era: a pre-COVID era compared to a post-COVID era. We shall see. What is…

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