Plastic pollution, a problem. Especially at sea

Plastics, a curiosity at the beginning of the century, became ubiquitous by the mid decades, seemingly as essential to our way of life as the very air we breathe: Jeremy Rifkin's phrase well summarizes the role played by this material…

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Milan bids farewell to plastic

The European directive banning disposable plastic objects such as cutlery, glasses and straws will officially come into force in 2021. In agreement with Legambiente (an environmentalist association in Italy) and Confcommercio (Italy's General Confederation of Enterprises, Professions and Self-Employment), the…

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Sailing in plastic

#weareallinthesameboat. This appeal was started by Alex Bellini, navigator and explorer, who, in order to bring attention to the problem of plastic in the oceans and spread a culture that is more attentive to environmental protection, embarked on a new…

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