Partnerships that help you to grow

We dedicate this issue of Soft & Green to the value of partnerships. It is also a way of celebrating 15 years of the collaborative relationship between Sofidel and WWF. Today we are increasingly hearing about shared value creation. This…

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From communication to education

Not everything changes in the same way, even in retail. Even for large retailers, where technological innovation has changed the way we shop, some things have not changed since the 1980s: some direct communication tools in particular, with reference to…

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Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables is an unusual campaign, started a few years ago by the French supermarket chain Intermarché, which has already gone down in advertising history. The campaign stars imperfect fruit and vegetables ("moches" from the French for "ugly"),…

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Amazon Go: where is the supermarket going?

First there was the shop, perhaps small and local. Then the stores grew and moved further away. There was the shopkeeper who served us, then self-service shops appeared. Then came the explosion of the web and new technologies "dematerialized" the…

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From consumer to consum-author

Demanding, selective, independent, competent, proactive and often not very faithful to the brand: these are the characteristics of consumers that some experts, including the sociologist Francesco Morace in Italy, now call consum-authors. A neologism created from the consideration that consumers…

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