From communication to education

Not everything changes in the same way, even in retail. Even for large retailers, where technological innovation has changed the way we shop, some things have not changed since the 1980s: some direct communication tools in particular, with reference to…

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Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables

Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables is an unusual campaign, started a few years ago by the French supermarket chain Intermarché, which has already gone down in advertising history. The campaign stars imperfect fruit and vegetables ("moches" from the French for "ugly"),…

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Social Media Guard, an international campaign

Nearly nine million YouTube users have seen Coca-Cola's 2014 campaign about spreading the correct use of social media. With the campaign's name Social Media Guard Coca-Cola wanted to remind us that sometimes social media are in danger of "monopolizing" our…

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One Ocean Foundation

A code of ethics for the protection of the sea. This is the initiative promoted by One Ocean Foundation, an organization founded in March 2018, the mission of which is to combat pollution of the oceans and promote a blue…

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Culture, an instrument of change

Culture is the only asset of humanity that, when divided between us all, becomes greater rather than smaller. This quote from German philosopher Hans Georg Gadamer reminds us of the importance of sharing knowledge and offering more learning opportunities to…

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