When resilience is transformative

The COVID-19 pandemic is an event guaranteed to produce long-term social and economic impacts. Someone has even coined the term 'covidic' to identify a sort of new era: a pre-COVID era compared to a post-COVID era. We shall see. What is…

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Communication during coronavirus: Global Alliance’s guidelines

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has brought the issue of expertise back to everyone’s attention. Including in the field of communication. At this unusual and delicate time, not only what to communicate, but also how to communicate it have become decisive. It may therefore be…

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Do it well, do it quickly

You can defeat an enemy, but not the Planet. Technology is helping us to live in and through this crisis, but we need to look ahead, building global cohesion and creating ‘transformative resilience units.’: These are the words of Mario Draghi in…

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The other side of the pandemic… the infodemic

Referred to as an infodemic, fusing the nouns 'information' and 'epidemic', this is another of the many problematic issues on which the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency has led us to reflect. The WHO (World Health Organization) has been denouncing the risk since…

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Certifications: the main thing is communication

Obtaining a certification is a commitment that must be valued. Including certifications in the communication strategy helps to increase market competitiveness and raise people’s awareness. In fact, it is important to make everyone, the consumer first and foremost, understand that…

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ISO, nice to meet you

The idea of establishing a reference for the measurement of units of magnitude has a long history. As early as the ancient Egyptians, for example, the “cubit” was identified as a unit of measurement (corresponding to the length of a…

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Sustainability: knowing the past to imagine the future

Sustainability has become a major focus of the world's media. Through the contribution provided by the determination and grit of young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, public opinion in many countries has turned its attention to this topic. Introduced ‘officially’ for the…

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Sustainability: some important milestones

Many milestones have marked the path towards sustainability. Rather than offering an in-depth account, to help readers navigate their way through such a complex history, Soft&Green has chosen a few dates in each decade, from the 1960s to the 1990s,…

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