The Triple Transition

The “A New Era for Europe” report is just over a year old. In the report, the High-Level Advisory Group convened by European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, offered its recommendations for addressing post-Covid challenges and fostering sustainable growth and…

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The social dimension of the ecological transition

On the topic of the social costs for the green transition, Soft&Green heard the opinion of Angelo Russo, Full Professor of Economics and Business Management and Prorector for Research and Sustainability at LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University in Casamassima, Bari. Professor…

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Growing professions

Digital and technological acceleration is creating new professions and transforming current ones into more innovative ones.  If we talk about technical fields, there is an increase in demand, for example, for energy engineers expert in energy management; for green mechatronics…

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The interview

Soft & Green meets Alex Giordano, Professor of Marketing and Digital Transformation at the University of Naples Federico II. Soft & Green asked Alex Giordano, professor of Marketing and Digital Transformation at the University of Naples Federico II, to reflect…

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