We, Sofidel. Our Passions Fuel Our Future

The end of the year is calendar time for Sofidel. The “We, Sofidel. Our Passions Fuel Our Future” project puts the Group’s people center stage. The calendar features one person from each of the 13 countries in the world where the company operates.

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Civic brands and community well-being

A ‘Civic Brand’ is the civic function exercised by a brand, while ‘Brand Activism’ is defined as the attitude of some brands when it comes to taking a position on current political, ethical or social issues. In the first half…

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Listening to the Planet

Interview with Isabella Pratesi*, WWF International Conservation Director The WWF has long argued that there is a significant link between climate change, deforestation, hygiene and epidemics: can you summarise your organisation’s thinking? Climate and ecosystems are closely linked to our…

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Communication during coronavirus: Global Alliance’s guidelines

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has brought the issue of expertise back to everyone’s attention. Including in the field of communication. At this unusual and delicate time, not only what to communicate, but also how to communicate it have become decisive. It may therefore be…

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Communication campaigns in the coronavirus emergency

In the face of the health emergency linked to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, many brands around the world have created ad hoc campaigns to nurture their relationship with consumers, reaffirm the brand's values and allow people to feel their support, closeness and…

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Do it well, do it quickly

You can defeat an enemy, but not the Planet. Technology is helping us to live in and through this crisis, but we need to look ahead, building global cohesion and creating ‘transformative resilience units.’: These are the words of Mario Draghi in…

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The other side of the pandemic… the infodemic

Referred to as an infodemic, fusing the nouns 'information' and 'epidemic', this is another of the many problematic issues on which the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency has led us to reflect. The WHO (World Health Organization) has been denouncing the risk since…

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