The use of technology between light and shadow. A glance at Italy

The use of technology between light and shadow. A glance at Italy

Technological development, especially digital, has had a major impact this past year and homebound people have changed their perception about the usefulness of technology.

According to the Italian 54th Censis Report on the social situation of the country in 2020, almost 43 million adults (including at least 3 million new users) stayed in touch with friends and relatives thanks to video calling systems. Video conferencing has also increased, and, generally speaking, Internet use by those already connected has grown. Therefore, the lockdown has increased the use of the Internet by experienced individuals and generated new users. But at least a quarter of the population has at some point started suffering: even the youngest, after their initial enthusiasm for digital communication systems, have grown tired of making and receiving video calls. 

We must not forget that, during the lockdown, over 3.5 million Italian families (14.8 %) without technological devices remained totally isolated, experiencing true social distancing. 

However, the changes imposed by the pandemic have had the effect of accelerating the country’s digital literacy process. Confirmation of this trend also comes from the Third Auditel-Censis Report Italy post lockdown: the new digital normality of Italian families. According to the study, the number of households connected increased by 1.4%, the quality of the connections improved and 11,800,000 households (48.6% of the total, consisting of 32,800,000 individuals, 54.3% of Italians) carried out at least one online activity during lockdown (for 8,200,000 households and 24,300,000 individuals, it was the first time). 

An acceleration that has, however, left behind the families with the lowest incomes and the elderly without technological knowledge.

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