Social reports, sustainability indexes, policies, certifications: for a responsible company, these tools are helpful to “do” as well as to “illustrate” its sustainability in a transparent way.

Transparency has become a priority for companies that are increasingly exposed to the judgment of stakeholders. They are almost a prerequisite for organizations that make their social and environmental engagement a strategic driver. These – but not only – are asked to measure and report on economic, environmental, and social risks and impacts and to clearly communicate the strategies, goals, and challenges faced. The relationship of trust between the company and its stakeholders is at stake. Communication that is unclear, biased, inconsistent or not entirely truthful can have severe consequences because it questions the organization’s reliability and credibility.

Therefore, responsible businesses are called upon to adopt increasingly sophisticated reporting methods to communicate what matters most: the long-term benefits they can offer people and the planet. Criteria for measuring impacts, comparability of parameters and data, use of global standards are some of the issues that characterize the current international debate on sustainability reporting: the so-called ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting, concerning the three central factors in measuring sustainability.

This issue of Soft&Green tries to take stock of the situation, starting with an interview with Chiara Mio, professor at the Department of Management at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and internationally known for her attention to the topics of sustainability and corporate social responsibility.