Partnerships that help you to grow

We dedicate this issue of Soft & Green to the value of partnerships. It is also a way of celebrating 15 years of the collaborative relationship between Sofidel and WWF. Today we are increasingly hearing about shared value creation. This expression that underlines the urgency in overcoming an individual government’s limited vision, an individual public agency’s actions, or an individual business’s or nonprofit organization’s ability to consider a system of relationships and interactions that can unite different actors and share goals and paths.

In achieving this, partnerships are crucial, and we have always believed in them. And we have always tried. This expression also brings with it an idea of stakeholder capitalism in which companies, committed to long-term value creation, increasingly consider all stakeholders needs.

The fifteen years of collaboration with WWF have been important for Sofidel. Years of responsible growth. Of cultural reinforcement. Thank you to WWF, as well as to all our partners. We are looking forward to writing many more beautiful pages of constructive collaboration for a sustainable future.

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