Human rights require continuous attention, also in the company

To fight injustice, intolerance, discrimination, indifference, and prejudice in order to contribute to the affirmation of fundamental values that are (or should be) at the basis of civil coexistence. That is to say, not ceasing to be committed to the protection and promotion of human rights, which are not always easy to identify, and especially to ensure.

Responsible companies also play an important role in this, as in their sustainability policies they pay increasing attention to these rights, not only internally, but also externally in their supply chain management. 

The Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately, has had a negative impact on respect for human rights. In some democratically weaker states, for example, we have seen specious use of restrictions on liberty. While new problems, such as the climate crisis, or transformations such as the digital revolution, call attention to the need to protect new emerging rights.

A bit like Sisyphus, the mythical king of Corinth, who was forced by the gods to push a boulder that kept rolling down, we are called upon to incessantly defend those fundamental freedoms that, without distinction of race, sex, language, or religion, make the existence of a human being full and worthy.

Something to which we are called by Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), dedicated to promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice and the creation of effective and accountable institutions.

Something that concerns the real and daily life of people; something to be protected concretely and effectively in every social, political, and organizational context.

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