Young people and the future are synonymous with one another. The future, first and foremost biologically, belongs to them. It always has. On a planet that is less resource-rich and has new problems, however, this relationship has become less clear. The future, at least as we knew it in the second half of the 20th century – when it was obvious that new generations had a better quality of life than previous ones (at least in the West, and for many) – simply no longer exists. Engaging for change has become a priority for the young people of today.

A story that shows us how it’s done.
One interesting story is that of Greta Thunberg, the 15-year-old Swedish girl who chose to strike from her classes and sit in Parliament to force politicians to act on climate change. Like thousands of her fellow citizens, she too has seen hectares of forests burning in Sweden this summer: hundreds of trees and dry land turned into walls of fire as a result of global warming.

Take action for change.
Greta was able to give substance to her protest thanks to her climate strike. Her action has attracted the attention not only of other young people but of a large community aware of the urgency of the problem. Greta then made her voice heard at COP24, the UN climate change conference held in Katowice, Poland.

A lesson for those with power.
The student, listed by Time Magazine as one of the most influential teenagers in the world in 2018, taught a lesson to the world’s powers. Young people, with their energy and creativity, will be the real agents for change. It will be they who achieve the sustainable development goals and build a better future for humans and the environment.