Health starts in the company

Health starts in the company

Workplace Health Promotion is the WHO program for the dissemination of good lifestyles in the workplace, which promotes the adoption of good practices relating to nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, road safety and sustainable mobility, well-being at work and the reconciliation of work and home.

Safety is health.
According to this program, the working environment can be a place where employees can acquire healthy behaviours. Not only with regard to occupational risks; in fact, the program encourages companies to offer workers opportunities to raise awareness and provide information to improve their health by reducing risk factors.

The data is not very encouraging.
WHO data at a global level are worrying: 1.7 million deaths per year directly related to the workplace, 268 million non-fatal accidents, 160 million new occupational diseases contracted in a year, to name but a few. These data are conditioned by the difficult working situations in the Southern countries of the world, but risks can also be prevented in areas of advanced development.

The most exposed categories.
The ILO, International Labour Office, especially points out that there will be an increase in the number of youth (15-24) and elderly people (due to the trend towards an increase in average life expectancy) in the working world. These categories will be the most exposed not only to accidents but also to illnesses. Training, prevention and the dissemination of good practices can therefore also be fundamental pillars of well-being in the workplace.

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