Sharing and dialogue, the foundations for “sustainable success”

Sharing and dialogue, the foundations for “sustainable success”

The market has changed a great deal in just a few years: it has been understood that stakeholders (all those with whom the company has a relationship) are strategic to the organization and its longevity.

In Italy, for example, an essential step along this path was the introduction in 2020 of the new version of the Corporate Governance Code, which speaks, for the first time, of “sustainable success”, an expression that indicates the ability to create long-term value for the benefit of shareholders while taking into account the interests of relevant stakeholders.

Therefore, “sustainable success” is linked to the company’s ability to manage dialogue with stakeholders in order to understand their interests and expectations. A path of sharing that clearly must be based on clear, transparent, relevant and consistent communication.  It is also helpful in fighting greenwashing activities that undermine the relationship of trust between the organization and its stakeholders. This fact is even more relevant today because many people – the younger generations more so – expect reliable information from brands.

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