Certifications: the main thing is communication

Obtaining a certification is a commitment that must be valued. Including certifications in the communication strategy helps to increase market competitiveness and raise people’s awareness. In fact, it is important to make everyone, the consumer first and foremost, understand that certifications offer quality standards that are reflected in the products and services purchased.
Many certifications are also a guarantee of the organization’s commitment to a process of continuous improvement, which is essential to create added value. An ISO certification recognizes what has been done and commits the company to improving itself more and more.
Some companies have started to include environmental and social certifications and labels in their marketing communication. An example is Foppapedretti’s advertising campaign L’albero delle idee… ecosostenibili (Eco-sustainable …The Idea Tree), which showcases its work with FSC and commitment to use only wood from certified forests.
Another interesting example, although in a different context, is that of Generale Conserve, which for years has included the Friend of the Sea logo in its marketing of ASdoMAR tuna; the logo certifies the origin of its products, derived both from sustainable fishing and aquaculture, in terms of conservation and protection of the marine habitat. Use of the Fairtrade ethical certification mark is also on the rise, highlighting products that guarantee better living conditions for agricultural producers in developing countries, without any form of exploitation of workers or the environment.
Behind every certification there is a world worth exploring …