Plastic, now globally recognized as a problem, has for years been considered an important resource for economic development and easier daily life. From our homes to our cars, from supermarkets to entertainment venues: imagining them all without plastic can sometimes seem impossible.
From resource to threat.
Today, however, we are increasingly aware of the fact that plastic is becoming a threat to the environment and there are growing concerns about the damage caused by improper disposal of plastic, in particular to marine ecosystems.
Understanding in order to act.
Staying informed and getting to know the data is, as always, the first step towards a possible solution. It is essential in order to understand the problem and determine what action can be taken against unsustainable use of this material.
Moving towards change.
The situation is complex and we need to act quickly to find effective and environmentally-friendly solutions. It is crucial and excellent starting point to learn about projects, campaigns and initiatives all over the world that deal with the issue and are tackling it head on. Let’s start together.