“SOFIDEL: 50 YEARS OF GROWTH INTO THE FUTURE”: the book dedicated to the history of the company

“SOFIDEL: 50 YEARS OF GROWTH INTO THE FUTURE”: the book dedicated to the history of the company

The volume dedicated to the history of the company, district and culture of the tissue is officially presented at the Festival della Crescita

Today, as part of the first day of the Lucca leg of the Festival della Crescita (“Growth Festival”), “Sofidel: 50 anni di crescita nel futuro” (Sofidel: 50 years of growth into the future) was presented to the speakers and journalists at the event. This publication goes over the first 50 years of the Sofidel Group’s story.

Written by the research group of the University of Pisa’s Economics and Management Department coordinated by prof. Silvio Bianchi Martini and published by SilvanaEditoriale, the book aims to review through direct accounts and previously unseen photographs the history of Sofidel, a global leader in the sector in entrepreneurship and industry.

The Sofidel Group’s drive towards the future, courageous innovation, design capability and deep-rooted, lived values – with sustainability having become a fundamental component of its competitive development – are analysed in the book through scientific contributions and up-to-date socio-economic data.

And that’s not all. The volume places Sofidel’s activity within the broader context of the development of the Lucca paper-making sector, telling a shared story of great importance to the national economy and, more generally, in changing the habits and lifestyles of many people. The narration, contributions and research permit the reconstruction of fifty years in the collective memory, of the Tuscan tissue industry, which proved capable of competing and coming out on top on international markets.

An important chapter in Italy’s economic history, which Sofidel intends to impress in our memory by relating the strenuous effort of many people who believed in their work and in the future.

The book, published in a dual Italian and English edition, will be distributed from Autumn on the international publishing market.

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