Regina Asciugoni Voted “Product of the Year 2019” in Italy
Regina Asciugoni – with its “proverbial” durability and new maxi sheets for absorbency – was crowned the winner in the House Cleaning Accessories category in the 2019 edition of the Italian “Product of the Year” award for innovation.
“Product of the Year” is Italy’s largest market research on product innovation, with over 12,000 consumers voting each year to crown the winning products in each category with its famous red seal of approval. “Product of the Year” allows companies to collect and understand the direct opinion of those shoppers who use their products every day, and further meeting their needs in a timely, accurate manner. The famous “Product of the Year” logo helps signpost the public to the best goods both in communication and on the shelves, giving shoppers more confidence in what they are buying.
For more information on the “Product of the Year Award” in Italy, click here.