NextGen for the younger generations

The future belongs to young people: a sustainable future made of ideas, choices and actions. Who better able to imagine and create that future than young people?

Sustainability at the very centre

Sofidel has decided to develop a series of communication initiatives dedicated to sustainability, entitled NextGen, featuring the younger generations. Gunter Pauli, founder of the “Zero Emissions Research Initiative” (ZERI) – an international network of researchers, scientists and economists committed to designing and planning new production and consumption methods with less environmental impact – said: “My generation has failed where the Millennials will succeed.” Sofidel, like him, believes in young people; in their strength and in their vision.

The book: “Cambio Rotta.
Storie di sostenibilità e successo”


The theme of sustainability and the new generations is at the heart of the book “Cambio Rotta. Storie di sostenibilità e successo” (Changing Course. Stories of Sustainability and Success). On sale under the joint Mondadori Electa/Focus brand, it was published with Sofidel’s support.

Written by young authors who have travelled around Italy in search of sustainability stories, the book, in the form of story-reportage, aims to help the latest generations to better understand the importance of socially and environmentally responsible development. In fact, it contains five extraordinary Italian stories that testify that sustainability is not a surrender or a duty, but an immediate advantage for those who practise it and especially for the Planet and its inhabitants.

The aim is to show how sustainability is a real and practical opportunity to create new and successful economic activities.

Sofidel meets young people:
CSR and social innovation show

In recent years, Sofidel has been involved in some stages of the “Giro d’Italia del Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale”. The CSR Show is one of the main Italian events dedicated to sustainability, and with its “Giro d’Italia” aims to discover people’s innovative experiences of sustainability on the Italian peninsula. An opportunity to meet many young people and speak on the subject of sustainability.

The education programme
“I’ll Take Care of You”


Created by WWF Italy and Sofidel-Regina, the education programme “I’ll Take Care of You” aims to help teachers, students and their families to better understand the world in which we live. educate students, and their families, to care and respect our Planet – in the belief that initiatives in defence of nature can only be successful if new generations are supported by greater awareness and knowledge.

Particularly focused on issues related to “water”, “climate” and “forests”, the initiative is explained also in light of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To date, over 265,000 students have been reached by the initiative, which is proving very popular among Italian primary and secondary schools.

The Tiger cub:
institutional campaign


The Sofidel 2019 corporate communication campaign was dedicated to the theme of protection, restoration and sustainable use of the Earth’s ecosystem. The protagonist is Domenico, the son of a Sofidel employee, who, with his face painted as a tiger cub, symbolically refers to number 15 (Life on Land) of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) against the loss of biodiversity. The image, also included in the calendar, was taken by photographer Roselena Ramistella.

commitment to schools and universities

Sofidel pays close and constant attention to the education of the future generations, all the more so at a time when the current digital revolution, Industry 4.0 and new demands for sustainability are profoundly innovating the tissue paper industry, with repercussions on production, products, logistics and distribution.

A task of safeguarding, transmitting and increasing the wealth of professionalism, helping students to acquire high-level skills and better equipping companies to face global competition.

A task carried out by establishing collaborations with numerous secondary schools specialising in technical studies and universities, in particular the University of Pisa, Italy. Of significance importance is the scheme to alternate school and work experience for transversal skills and orientation, and the offer of internships to students in preparation for their degree thesis.