Trends and lifestyles

We act for change, others wait for it. Who are we? Millennials

by Ylenia Esther Yashar, member of the CSRnatives network Generations born between 1980 and 2000 are faced with the consequences of serious environmental negligence, both on the part of previous government polices and citizens with little awareness or willingness to…

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Moving towards green building

Choosing a headquarters with green features is another way to enhance the environmental sustainability of a company. Today those who decide to build or restructure their production site or headquarters can make sustainable choices for economic reasons, but also for…

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Car sharing and car pooling? Yes please

The topic of mobility is quite broad within a very large sector that ranges from the transport of people within cities to the movement of goods between cities or countries. There are two main problems related to transport which have…

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Changing market, changing consumer

The market is a real market when it not only produces wealth, but also meets ethic expectations and values: this quote by Amartya Sen (Indian economist and philosopher who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1998) anticipated the transformation…

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