Trends and lifestyles

Sustainable development and partnerships

Interview with Marcella Mallen, ASviS chair On the topic of partnerships, Soft&Green wanted to hear the opinion of Marcella Mallen, Chair of ASviS and Prioritalia and professor of Diversity management and organizational change at LUMSA University in Rome. This issue…

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A brief history of plastic

Man's search for “plastic” materials has an ancient origin. Scholars tell us that since 2000 BC natural polymers such as clay, argil and wax were used to build easily moldable objects suitable for home use. The history of plastic as…

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Plastic pollution, a problem. Especially at sea

Plastics, a curiosity at the beginning of the century, became ubiquitous by the mid decades, seemingly as essential to our way of life as the very air we breathe: Jeremy Rifkin's phrase well summarizes the role played by this material…

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Energy transition: few years left to change course

The next few years will be crucial to achieve the sustainability goals set by the UN Agenda 2030 and, today, the whole world is looking forward to the upcoming COP26, the conference on climate change to be held in Glasgow…

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Energy transition: when art and culture help

Art and culture can also help raise awareness and make people more willing to face the transformation taking place. There are countless examples, here are three of them. One dates back as far as 10 years ago, when the City…

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“Renewable” professions

The energy transition requires innovative solutions in all sectors and people with the skills to design and implement them. According to the analysis carried out by RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), the transition to renewable energy…

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Human Rights Watch, a report on human rights

Human Rights Watch publishes an annual report on the situation of human rights and major protest movements. The 2021 report, presented in January, summarizes the main events of 2020 with an overview of the human rights situation in more than…

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